Friday, December 30, 2011
It's coming....
I really need to get back on the blog wagon, I've really slacked off and I'm ashamed of myself. Hoping to have some news to UPDATE you with, its just taking time, but.... It's coming.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Oh the madness !

Weird couple of weeks!
I left Pittsburgh a couple weeks ago to deliver a car out in Reno, Nv. The trip out was fairly smooth, despite the 55 + mph winds in Wyoming (In Wyoming, its almost expected to have some kind of freak weather). After delivering the car in one piece I had a day off so I spent most of it playing live poker. I did ok, not great not terrible, but I had a great time playing and meeting different people from around the globe. On of my favorite "lines" at the poker table is being one jack off from a straight.... I just spit it out there "I'm a jack off" .... seems to get some laughs, and it breaks the ice. When I left Reno, I headed out the back roads. I went thru some cool places, Hawthorne Lake (just beautiful), skimmed the outskirts of Area 51, and Death Valley, saw some green men running around naked, a pack of wolves... (which there is a little funny one here.... I saw the pack of wolves outside of the place I was delivering, so when I went inside to see how things were going, I pulled my arm up through my sleeve and told the guy inside "damn, your dogs are mean"... while wiggling my sleeve like I had a stump..... I thought he was gonna piss himself, I know I let out a little from laughing so hard! haha). Ok, I also saw some little green men, and 2 jackalopes *wink*.
Okay so after my time in Reno, I reloaded and headed to the Dallas, Texas area. I almost made it there but my 80,000 lb. baby started bleeding to death. I had to take her to the emergency room first thing in the morning, since it was Sunday and nobody was open until then. (Anybody confused?... my baby is the truck I drive... bleeding to death means her red coolant was spilling out of her). So after get her all fixed up, we headed into Dallas, which in turn made me late for my next load, which then resulted in HELL... PURE HELL! I reloaded for Abilene, Texas and got over there on Monday night.... it was storming, rain, thunder, lightning, all the good stuff, well then that turned into white stuff, then came the ice. I woke up Tuesday morning and my jaw just dropped, there must of been 8 inches of snow, which then was covered in ice. Some guy pulls into the place where I'm to be delivering and I say "I have a load for ya" and he says "not today you don't" . Okay terrific, glad I drove out here, ok so this is Tuesday morning, I finally get unloaded Thursday morning, and the roads are HORRIBLE, I was a complete idiot for even trying to drive on them.... YOU CANT DRIVE ON ICE! It took me 6 hours to go 55 miles, and I never stopped for nothing! I felt I was going fast when I shifted to third gear (who needs the other 11?).... I was skeered, I was sliding in all directions, trucks were in the ditch every half mile, you couldn't get off the interstate cause the ramps go a little uphill and if you get off, your screwed, you'll never make it to the top of the ramp. This went on for two more days, and my nerves were just SHOT, my stress level was in overdrive, I hated the truck, I wanted out! Soooo, I got out! I got a motel for the weekend, and just tuned it all out, the ONLY thing I did this weekend that had to do with trucking was start the the truck daily.... that's it.... Okay okay, I peeped at it thru the peep hole a couple times to make sure nobody cleaned it ; )
I ended the weekend watching my beloved Steelers loose the Super Bowl... but hey, it's ok, we still have a hell of team! Maybe next year? I'm ready to go back to work, get unloaded in the morning and reload and roll on down the road.... I kinda missed it this weekend, but I also enjoyed my time off! Tootles til the next time.
I left Pittsburgh a couple weeks ago to deliver a car out in Reno, Nv. The trip out was fairly smooth, despite the 55 + mph winds in Wyoming (In Wyoming, its almost expected to have some kind of freak weather). After delivering the car in one piece I had a day off so I spent most of it playing live poker. I did ok, not great not terrible, but I had a great time playing and meeting different people from around the globe. On of my favorite "lines" at the poker table is being one jack off from a straight.... I just spit it out there "I'm a jack off" .... seems to get some laughs, and it breaks the ice. When I left Reno, I headed out the back roads. I went thru some cool places, Hawthorne Lake (just beautiful), skimmed the outskirts of Area 51, and Death Valley, saw some green men running around naked, a pack of wolves... (which there is a little funny one here.... I saw the pack of wolves outside of the place I was delivering, so when I went inside to see how things were going, I pulled my arm up through my sleeve and told the guy inside "damn, your dogs are mean"... while wiggling my sleeve like I had a stump..... I thought he was gonna piss himself, I know I let out a little from laughing so hard! haha). Ok, I also saw some little green men, and 2 jackalopes *wink*.
Okay so after my time in Reno, I reloaded and headed to the Dallas, Texas area. I almost made it there but my 80,000 lb. baby started bleeding to death. I had to take her to the emergency room first thing in the morning, since it was Sunday and nobody was open until then. (Anybody confused?... my baby is the truck I drive... bleeding to death means her red coolant was spilling out of her). So after get her all fixed up, we headed into Dallas, which in turn made me late for my next load, which then resulted in HELL... PURE HELL! I reloaded for Abilene, Texas and got over there on Monday night.... it was storming, rain, thunder, lightning, all the good stuff, well then that turned into white stuff, then came the ice. I woke up Tuesday morning and my jaw just dropped, there must of been 8 inches of snow, which then was covered in ice. Some guy pulls into the place where I'm to be delivering and I say "I have a load for ya" and he says "not today you don't" . Okay terrific, glad I drove out here, ok so this is Tuesday morning, I finally get unloaded Thursday morning, and the roads are HORRIBLE, I was a complete idiot for even trying to drive on them.... YOU CANT DRIVE ON ICE! It took me 6 hours to go 55 miles, and I never stopped for nothing! I felt I was going fast when I shifted to third gear (who needs the other 11?).... I was skeered, I was sliding in all directions, trucks were in the ditch every half mile, you couldn't get off the interstate cause the ramps go a little uphill and if you get off, your screwed, you'll never make it to the top of the ramp. This went on for two more days, and my nerves were just SHOT, my stress level was in overdrive, I hated the truck, I wanted out! Soooo, I got out! I got a motel for the weekend, and just tuned it all out, the ONLY thing I did this weekend that had to do with trucking was start the the truck daily.... that's it.... Okay okay, I peeped at it thru the peep hole a couple times to make sure nobody cleaned it ; )
I ended the weekend watching my beloved Steelers loose the Super Bowl... but hey, it's ok, we still have a hell of team! Maybe next year? I'm ready to go back to work, get unloaded in the morning and reload and roll on down the road.... I kinda missed it this weekend, but I also enjoyed my time off! Tootles til the next time.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Steeler Nation

Ok, well it was a very long week, thanks to mother nature. I left the Burgh on Friday to head for the Dallas area and was suppose to deliver on Monday, but mother nature got in the way and dumped 6 inches of snow in the Little Rock area and left me with no choice but to sit still til Tuesday late morning, and arriving in Dallas on Wednesday. Then went back to the Burgh, and now I'm on my way to Nebraska. So far the trip is going swell, its 12 degrees, but there's no snow flakes dropping out of the sky.... at least not yet.
I did a little bookkeeping for the past year, and I ran approximately 140,000 miles this past year, and of course since I like to push the buttons on the calculator, that comes to a average of 383.5 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY out of the year! My thermos has more miles on it than most people will ever put on ALL of their cars in their lifetime! Your probally wondering what I did with all my spare time, huh? Pretty simple answer... I napped some.
Welp, this is gonna have to be the end for tonight, after that football game, I'm whooped, and its time for my nap! Tomorrow I will pull out of Woodhull, Illinois and finnish my trip to Nebraska, as long as mother nature stays outta my way, it should be a easy day!
The roads go on forever, and the party never ends!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
It's a new year and....
The trucking stories just keep getting better. This past week I came across something I have NEVER seen before, and I must say I don't think I'll be forgetting this anytime soon. My boss and I ended up taking two loads up to New Hampshire, the trip went well and we got unloaded a whole day early, so then we had some time before we had to go pick up our next loads so we started to hunt for a truckstop in the area. We found one about 10 miles from where we delivered and we hunkered down for the night. The boss ordered some dinner from the local pizza shop, and had it delivered. He paid $20.00 for the pizza (including a tip for the driver) and it was suppose to be a large pizza, but it wasn't... there were 8 cuts in the box, we both looked at each other and thought, 'huh, where's the other box at?'. The boss had 5 pieces and I ate 3, we were both still hungry but now it was time to grab a shower. We got our stuff together and headed in the truckstop. I told the guy at the counter that we wanted a shower, he proceeded to get one key out, I told him we would be needing two showers... the boss and I needed some time apart... haha. Okay so then this is where it gets interesting, I give the guy a $20 and he gives me back $5 and started counting out five dollars in quarters. I'm looking at the boss and saying "he knows we want showers, right?... we don't wanna do laundry". The boss and I keep looking at each other, not saying a word outloud but the look on our face was a very obvious WTF? I said to the guy behind the counter "can I get an extra towel for my hair"... he said he'd get that for me in a min, then he asked the boss how many quarters he wanted... again the WTF look was there again. The boss got his quarters, and I asked the guy.... "whats the quarters for?".... stupid me, you have to buy the water!!!! WTF! I got my extra towel and just couldn't wait any longer to see how this was gonna work, so we headed to our shower rooms.... opened the door and sure enough, there's this device on the wall that wants you to feed it quarters, $2.25 will get you 6 minutes in the shower! HOT DAMN! Ok so I "buy" 12 minutes of water (rolling eyes) and in I went... Kinda felt I was at the car wash, kept waiting for the big blue rubber things to come out and start whipping me... it never happened, I'm thinking to myself in my shower "well you don't have to worry about me falling down in here, I'll get wedged between the walls before I even hit the floor".... yes, it was that small ! Got out and got my "hair" towel, unfolded it, and it is just littered with holes.... wow, another great find in New Hampshire. By this time, I'm pissed, I throw on my clothes, and head back to my truck to dry my hair because it was like a oven in there, and I was outta quarters! Sheesh, I'm still thinking about it, shaking my head back n forth... "yeah, I'd like a shower, and I'll need some water with that too".... WTF!!
Happy Trails to you.... until we meet again!
The trucking stories just keep getting better. This past week I came across something I have NEVER seen before, and I must say I don't think I'll be forgetting this anytime soon. My boss and I ended up taking two loads up to New Hampshire, the trip went well and we got unloaded a whole day early, so then we had some time before we had to go pick up our next loads so we started to hunt for a truckstop in the area. We found one about 10 miles from where we delivered and we hunkered down for the night. The boss ordered some dinner from the local pizza shop, and had it delivered. He paid $20.00 for the pizza (including a tip for the driver) and it was suppose to be a large pizza, but it wasn't... there were 8 cuts in the box, we both looked at each other and thought, 'huh, where's the other box at?'. The boss had 5 pieces and I ate 3, we were both still hungry but now it was time to grab a shower. We got our stuff together and headed in the truckstop. I told the guy at the counter that we wanted a shower, he proceeded to get one key out, I told him we would be needing two showers... the boss and I needed some time apart... haha. Okay so then this is where it gets interesting, I give the guy a $20 and he gives me back $5 and started counting out five dollars in quarters. I'm looking at the boss and saying "he knows we want showers, right?... we don't wanna do laundry". The boss and I keep looking at each other, not saying a word outloud but the look on our face was a very obvious WTF? I said to the guy behind the counter "can I get an extra towel for my hair"... he said he'd get that for me in a min, then he asked the boss how many quarters he wanted... again the WTF look was there again. The boss got his quarters, and I asked the guy.... "whats the quarters for?".... stupid me, you have to buy the water!!!! WTF! I got my extra towel and just couldn't wait any longer to see how this was gonna work, so we headed to our shower rooms.... opened the door and sure enough, there's this device on the wall that wants you to feed it quarters, $2.25 will get you 6 minutes in the shower! HOT DAMN! Ok so I "buy" 12 minutes of water (rolling eyes) and in I went... Kinda felt I was at the car wash, kept waiting for the big blue rubber things to come out and start whipping me... it never happened, I'm thinking to myself in my shower "well you don't have to worry about me falling down in here, I'll get wedged between the walls before I even hit the floor".... yes, it was that small ! Got out and got my "hair" towel, unfolded it, and it is just littered with holes.... wow, another great find in New Hampshire. By this time, I'm pissed, I throw on my clothes, and head back to my truck to dry my hair because it was like a oven in there, and I was outta quarters! Sheesh, I'm still thinking about it, shaking my head back n forth... "yeah, I'd like a shower, and I'll need some water with that too".... WTF!!
Happy Trails to you.... until we meet again!
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