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Look Out! Look Out !
What a week it has been! It started after leaving China Lake, Ca., while traveling through Tennessee, some ding-a-ling driving a brand new Dodge pick up truck ran right into the back of me at a stoplight. I get out to see what the hell was going on and there is some dork standing there in a sonic uniform laughing.... he says "your truck is fine, mine was dented", and I say to him "umm, ok for future reference, the big truck will always win"..... he seemed proud of himself, his bumper was all mangled and so was his hood, and ontop of that I do not even think he noticed the big orange "EXPLOSIVE" placard on the trailer. Well after that things got better, got the chance to stop by my Aunt & Uncles house in Waldorf, Md, and also got to visit with my cousin and her family (I haven't seen them in 4 years!). After leaving Waldorf and heading into Patuxent River, Md., things got gloomy again, came time to unload the trailer only to find out that one of the bands wrapped around the ammo came loose and ammo cans were rolling around in the back of the trailer.... There was nothing I could do about it, I'm not allowed in the trailer when it's being loaded, it wasn't my fault it came loose, but *I* could of went to the moon (for free!) because of this error, but LUCKILY nothing happened. Then some more luck seemed to happen, while waiting in McAlester, Oklahoma for the next load I had some time for fun, so I went to the Indian Casino and doubled my money (Smile). Then after that things got crazy, while driving out of Oklahoma and into Texas, the weather started scarring me some, the sky was very dark, alot of lightining was going on all around me, then hail came, and then the hail really came, so heavy it covered the roadway. I knew there had to be a tornado around, the question was, "do I stop or do I keep going?"... I decided to keep going, and there it was, about a mile ahead of me, it came right across Interstate 40, there were 3 of them,... I was amazed, and scared shitless at the same time. This is what it looked like.... 

(If you click on the pictures, they will enlarge) I'm hoping the Easter Bunny is gonna bring me some new undies for Easter! Too damn close for comfort !
1 comment:
glad you are ok, girl! keep safe!
susan b.
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