There they were, right smack on-top of the billboard, like they were advertising what they were doing, what were they doing you ask...? They were DOING IT !!! 2 Hawks were making whoopie !! Well folks, its been about a week and we have ran about 5800 miles this week. At the moment we're in Seville, Ohio, and we're on our way to New Jersey to drop the load that we're pulling. We left Florida, went to Jersey, then to way upstate New York, then out to southern California, and the load we have is going up to Connecticut but we'll drop it in Jersey. The weather has been very cooperative we didn't have anything that caused delays. Jim and I are still working on our "system", getting used to one another, figuring out what we like or don't like, etc. It's not easy being in a box all the time with someone, think of it as being stuck in your bathroom with someone for days at a time.... are you still gonna like them come the end of the week? Cant seem to get them birds out of my head, so tonight we're gonna have some Chicken ! If ya can't beat 'em, eat 'em. Damn, I still got it. I crack myself up sometimes. Okay peeps it's time to say tootles, don't cry, I'll be back !!
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