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Than to be pissed on. I can now say this speaking from experience! Today was one of those days, the kind where we would of been better off not even rolling out of the bunk. I woke up early this morning and took a look in the mirror, I'm glad I only had one eye open, I seemed to of had the *Gilda Radner* look going on, I look out the window and it's just pouring down raining outside my office, this of course is not one of the better ways to start your day. I find my hat to help control my 'frizzies' and head outside to take my paperwork into the consignee... yep, now I'm soaking wet, I have frizzy hair, morning face and I'm still half asleep. After unloading its time to get back out in the pouring down rain and close the doors on the trailer, got back in the truck only to notice that I somehow managed to get dirt all over my boobs.... time to change the shirt. I then head over to Grand Prairie, Texas for my next load, the rain has stopped it's getting even more humid, my hair is OUT TO THERE, I have a clean shirt on and I'm ready to continue on with my day. I get loaded and I head back out of town, but to do this I have to go right smack through the middle of Dallas, Texas.... Ok, no biggie, it's been a while since I've been downtown in a large car, what the heck, lets roll.... I decide I'll stay to the left so I dont get all tangled up in the traffic entering and exiting the Interstate... It seemed like a really good choice, once I was through town I moved over a lane, and this nice man in a blue pick up truck who was behind me came up along side of me and started waving his fist and then he flipped me off... the nerve of him, just because I wasn't going 80 mph didn't mean I deserved to be flipped off.... Sheesh. Ok so then after that I'm heading up the road, minding my own business, listening to the tunes on the radio, and there's a guy in a pick up truck up ahead of me, he's pulling a cow hauler thingy, there's a really big cow in it..... I'm looking and my windshield is getting wet, and it looked like this guy just broke his water line on his pick up truck... I'm looking a little harder now, and its not the water line that broke its the cow, he's pissing all over me, NOW I'M MAD, I pull out to pass the cow, which was actually a very big bull, and I flip him off ! They should of tied that bulls d*ck in a knot before taking him out for a ride.... There is a positive side to all of this, and that is..... atleast it wasn't a cow pie that hit me! Eat more Chicken !
It's been a while, huh? Have ya missed me and my thrilling stories? Time is just flying by and I'm forgetting all my passwords to log into things to keep them updated! I'm still driving with the owner operator as mentioned earlier in these blogings, my ride has changed, I am now operating this black beauty, we just had my brother do all the decals thats on it (the stuff in yellow and white for those that have no clue, if you wanna see it a lil' better, click on the picture and it will give you more detail), and on the back of the cab I had him make me something to personalize it, and that is a big decal saying Ice Maiden. Why Ice Maiden? Well I like things REALLY cold, and that includes the inside of my home (This is my home MOST of the time). I took this truck to the Kenworth dealer and told the guy that was going to do the work on it that if he could get the a/c down to 35 degrees I'd give him a one hundred dollar tip... 2 hours later he had it down to 38 degrees, I gave him eighty bucks and told him "that'll work". So on most days I'm cruising around the country in my ice chest, after a night of sleeping, it's great to wake up with ice on ...... well we'll just say -everything-. Life is good, and a whole lot more manageable when there's no sweat on my brow. I've been doing alot of the same run lately, load in a little town called Fombell, Pa. and taking it down to a little bigger town called Terrell, Tx. I've gotten so used to this route I know where all the big potholes are, and I can keep my drink in a upright position now. I don't mind doing this run, it gets me outta the house... so much that I have to use a GPS'er to find my way back to my house *wink*. I have been home this week since Wednesday and I'm leaving in the a.m. for ..... yep, you guessed it... Texas. It was great to come home for a few days and clean, and do laundry, and pay bills, and do some sewing, see friends, family, the dogs..... It has wore me out and I'm looking forward to going back to work, I need the rest !
The trucking industry is really taking a beating with the cost of fuel these days. Most of you know that it is becoming almost impossible to "fill up" everytime you go to the pumps... imagine what it is like to have a 240 gallon tank to put fuel in, and after spending $800 dollars, you still DO NOT have a full tank of fuel, and these big rigs get an average of 6, yes 6 miles to the gallon. I don't know how we will survive through all of this right now, but right now all we can do is.... Keep On Truckin'.

Well it was one of those days again today. It started out really good and ended with a bang, and a plop. I left out of Western Pa., and was heading to Augusta, Ga. with a nice light load, hopped on US 19 down in West Virginia and came up to a stop light that changed just as I was rolling up to it, so I dropped my gear and BANG, sounded just like I blew a tire. Got off on the shoulder to get out and see which one went kapow and couldn't find it. Scratched my head a couple times wondering "WTF" (if you don't know what that means, I'm not telling ya)..... Called the boss, he guessed pretty damn good, said it must of been the turbo, and was thinking one of the hoses blew, I couldnt find any holes in the hoses but whatever the problem the truck didn't have any power, and the turbo gage stood still at zero. The boss says to turn around and go back to one of the truck stops and have them look at it, which I did, turns out it wasn't a hose at all, it was the whole damn turbo thingie that went KAPOW. Great, terrific, not what the boss wanted to hear and not what I wanted to hear, but that was what we were told. Sooo after all that excitement I had to pee, and I was thankful that I had my porta potty with me, so I crawl into the bunk so I can do my thing, and it's pitch black and I hear something hit the potty and thought to myself "WTF?" .... got my little flash light out and peered through the hole in the potty and what do I see laying at the bottom ...... my cell phone ! Oh now thats lovely, I know I talk alot of shit but thats pushing it a little far dontcha think? Whats even nicer is when the cell phone rings and the steeler fight song plays from my porta potty and vibrates across the floor, gonna be hard to top this, huh? What really saddens me is that the phone was brand new, still had the new cellphone smell (well not anymore!). Soooo I had to get another phone, they asked me if I wanted insurance on it, and I thought to myself "do you really think this will ever happen again?"..... I declined the insurance, and hopefully this phone will last a little longer.
If crime doesn't pay, my job must be a crime *wink*
Well here it is..... my new ride !
Well I started another chapter in life, this time I'm going at it alone. I signed on with an Owner Operator out of Ohio and took the seat behind the wheel of this large car. It's a Kenworth, something I am not used to driving, it has a 550 Cat under the HUGE hood, it has a 260 inch wheel base, 13 speed, and over 2 million miles are on it !! (she needs a little TLC) The owner of it has taken good care of it and it shows. It does however need a paint job, and hopefully it will get one come spring/summer. This past week was the week from hell, everything went wrong, EVERYTHING! But I hung in there with both arms and will continue to hang in there. The guys I work with are a hoot, I like them alot, and they are a bunch of riots. Gonna keep this one short, it was a long week, and I owe the sleep bank, nitey nite!
I've been doing this for two days now, wondering just what the heck has happened, my partner, who is no longer my partner got off the truck, and now I'm out here in this big bad world all by my lonesome. I don't even want to get into what happened, I'm just going to keep that to myself but will continue on with my usual dippy blogging. Today was groundhog day, Phil saw his shadow, he looked a little sleepy when they plucked him from his nice little hole. So I was talking to Mom and she says "if Phil hibernates all winter, when does he poop".... This is my mother people, now you know where I get -it- from ! She said maybe that will take my mind off everything, nope that didn't do it, but I'll continue to search for something that does. I'm in Breezewood, Pa., I'm on my way back to New Joisey, I fit right in over there, I tawk like a northeastern, and I have 'big' hair, not as big as it has been, but it still has some POOF to it! Anyways, things are going to be changing with me once again, right now alot is up in the air, so once things are more settled, I'll have more to say. But for right now, I'm just going to 'shuddup'. Go back to sleep Phil, see ya in 6 weeks.
There they were, right smack on-top of the billboard, like they were advertising what they were doing, what were they doing you ask...? They were DOING IT !!! 2 Hawks were making whoopie !! Well folks, its been about a week and we have ran about 5800 miles this week. At the moment we're in Seville, Ohio, and we're on our way to New Jersey to drop the load that we're pulling. We left Florida, went to Jersey, then to way upstate New York, then out to southern California, and the load we have is going up to Connecticut but we'll drop it in Jersey. The weather has been very cooperative we didn't have anything that caused delays. Jim and I are still working on our "system", getting used to one another, figuring out what we like or don't like, etc. It's not easy being in a box all the time with someone, think of it as being stuck in your bathroom with someone for days at a time.... are you still gonna like them come the end of the week? Cant seem to get them birds out of my head, so tonight we're gonna have some Chicken ! If ya can't beat 'em, eat 'em. Damn, I still got it. I crack myself up sometimes. Okay peeps it's time to say tootles, don't cry, I'll be back !!